Trip Journal – Tuscarora Trail Backpack Sec 6 and 7行程記錄—Tuscarora步道之Backpacking之旅

tuscarora trail cowans gap

It was hot; it was over 90 degrees both on Saturday and Sunday. It was dry; on both days we had to hike about 10 miles without encountering a water source. I couldn’t forget that the sunlight was poisonous and the mosquitoes at camp were mischievous because of the tanning and bug bites on my arms.

Not like the sections 3 and 4 of this trail, the sections 6 and 7 we hiked this time were not well marked—both the starting point and end point were hard to locate. If not because we had a participant with sharp eyes, we could have wasted so much time even before we headed into the woods. Most of the trail was either rocky plus wobbly or covered by overgrown ferns and sometimes poison ivy. But the worst experience happened when we almost got lost because a lumber company used the same color paint as the trail blazes to mark their logging area.

So you might ask, “why were you guys there?” It was fun regardless of all the hassle and sweat, and we were so excited when we finally reached a big creek, dipping in the chilling water and drinking from an abundant water supply. At night, camping at a clearing, sleeping so deeply under the starlight generated thousands of years ago. Water, food, and rest. It’s so easy to feel satisfied in the outdoors, because other than those basics, what else do we really need?


此次健行的區段,不似四月時健行的另一區段一般,標示地清楚明白。要不是一個隊員眼尖,在行程真正開始前,還不知道要浪費多少時間,在確定健行起點以及終點的所在地上。大部分的步道都是岩跡斑斑,該些石塊在隊伍走過時,不論大小,總是會不停晃動;另外,春夏之際,雜草樹木叢生,加上滿地都是有毒的poison ivy,將步道幾乎整個掩蓋住了。但這些還不是最壞的,最令人沮喪的經驗是:當地的伐木公司用和步道標示一樣顏色的油漆,來劃分他們伐木的領域,害得隊伍差點迷失路徑。


Trip Journal – Tuscarora Trail Backpack Sec 6 and 7行程記錄—Tuscarora步道之Backpacking之旅 Read Post »

Trip Journal –Big Indian Wildness Area Overnight Backpack行程記錄 – Big Indian Wildness Area 兩天一夜之Backpacking之旅

backpack big indian

It was the third weekend of May. Before the trip, two things worried me: 1. the black fly season was about to start. 2. The weather forecast called for thunderstorms for both Saturday and Sunday.

Thunderstorms showed up earlier on my way driving up to the Catskills. When I reached the parking lot for the north-end trailhead of the Giant Ledge-Panther-Fox Hollow Trail, it was dark as ink. Without the help from either moonlight or starlight, I could still recognize that there was only one other car parked in the lot. My nerve was irritated and I started to worry about one more thing: 3. there should have been two other cars. Who was or who were the missing one(s)?


雷陣雨倒是在星期五,驅車前往紐約州的Catskills山區就開始了。到了Giant Ledge-Panther-Fox Hollow步道的北端停車場時,天色漆黑如墨。即便沒有月光,亦無星光,還是辨認出該處除了我的車以外,只停泊了另一輛車。呃,我的緊張指數表開始標高,開始咕噥著第三件事:三是,應該總共有三台車啊,不是大家都說好,要到這裡來集合過夜的嗎?

Trip Journal –Big Indian Wildness Area Overnight Backpack行程記錄 – Big Indian Wildness Area 兩天一夜之Backpacking之旅 Read Post »

Bushwhacking is so much fun茂林找路(Bushwhacking)真好玩


Since my very first few backpacks, I hadn’t had one trip that beat me that hard until this extremely fun bushwhacking endeavor. Yes, the fun tasted a bit bitter but the trip was fun with no sarcasm added.

This trip was a private trip for friends, and I was the unofficial leader. Therefore I was not as prepared as I always am for every AMC trip and that was the first mistake. The second mistake was that I was too optimistic about the group pace. We were all strong hikers; however, the bushes in the Catskills were stronger than us. They were so thick which made me wish I had a chainsaw; they were so dense which made it easy to get disoriented and hard to stay on the planned route.

And what is the third mistake? Two mistakes were more than enough to make our trip much more difficult than it should have been. The second day, we hiked more than 12 hours and a few of them were in the dark. I bore scars collected mostly from hemlocks and balsam firs for more than two weeks, and my ripped raincoat became my reason not to attempt it again just to prove that my plan would have worked out as sketched if we fixed the above two mistakes.

Alright, the following is my original plan:





Bushwhacking is so much fun茂林找路(Bushwhacking)真好玩 Read Post »

Leave No Trace走過不留痕跡

I gave a presentation on Leave No Trace on the Beginner Backpack Workshop held by Appalachian Mountain Club, Delaware Valley Chapter, April 22, 2006.

What I presented was based on the principles conducted by The Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics and which fall in these seven categories (For steps to follow, in order to apply the principles, please download and read this file: Leave No Trace Principles of Outdoor Ethics.)

1. Plan Ahead and Prepare
2. Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
3. Minimize Camp Fire Impact
4. Respect Wildlife
5. Be Considerate of Other Visitors
6. Dispose of Waste Properly
7. Leave What You Find

戶外倫理:走過不留痕跡(Leave No Trace)。這篇文章是根據我在四月二十二日,由Appalachian Mountain Club, Delaware Valley Chapter 舉辦的Backpacking 入門講座的講稿寫成的。

這篇報告主要是根據,走過不留痕跡戶外倫理協會,所訂定的七大原則敷衍而成:(詳細的實做步驟,可以參考這個檔案:Leave No Trace Principles of Outdoor Ethics。中文版本可以參考Raven的文章:

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My First Kids’ Trip小朋友隊伍

AMC - Chapter Youth Program

I am not very sure how I got myself into leading kids’ trips since I had never thought I would be good with kids. Trained leaders lead kids’ trips for 8 to 12-year-olds, and the official name my club, Appalachian Mountain Club, gave to the program is Chapter Youth Program.

I believe that to educate people well, we need to start when they are young and I was so moved and happy when I saw how a bunch of kids learned, digested and applied Leave No Trace principles along a creek right next to a hut I had stayed for a cool summer night in the Whites last year. For some reason, the scene reminded me of my childhood and I had always been proud since then that I could never litter or spit. I should be grateful to my mom and my school teachers.

從來不覺得我懂得應付小朋友,所以到現在還沒搞清楚,我怎麼會自願為年紀八到十二歲的青少年,擔任健行活動領隊的。這個特別為青少年設計的戶外生活企畫,我隸屬的登山團體,Appalachian Mountain Club(AMC)稱之為Chapter Youth Program。

我相信教育從小做起,效益最昭著。尤其去年在White Mountains健行的時候,某個沁涼的夏日午後,在所居留的山屋的小溪旁,看著一群小朋友,興致勃勃的學習、消化以及應用「走過不留痕跡(Leave NoTrace)」的原則,心中有說不出的興奮以及感動。而該情該景喚醒我童年的記憶,是這麼驕傲著因為媽媽以及學校老師的教導,才成為不亂丟垃圾,不隨地吐痰的好孩子啊。

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Beginner Backpack Workshop – BlistersBackpacking 入門講座 – 水泡成因,預防與護理

This article is based on what I presented in the Beginner Backpack Workshop held by Appalachian Mountain Club, Delaware Valley Chapter, April 22, 2006.

Cause of Blisters

The cause of blisters is friction. With enough rubbing, the tough epidermis which has been resisting abrasion separates and fluid fills in the space. A blister therefore forms.

A general guideline to prevent blisters from happening is to keep our feet cool and dry, because both heat and moisture increase friction. Heat makes the feet swollen and moisture softens the skin.

這篇文章是根據我在四月二十二日,由Appalachian Mountain Club, Delaware Valley Chapter 舉辦的Backpacking 入門講座的講稿寫成的。




Beginner Backpack Workshop – BlistersBackpacking 入門講座 – 水泡成因,預防與護理 Read Post »

Beginner Backpack Workshop – SocksBackpacking 入門講座 – 襪子篇

This article is based on what I presented in the Beginner Backpack Workshop held by Appalachian Mountain Club, Delaware Valley Chapter, April 22, 2006.

What are socks for?

For your feet – socks provide cushion and warmth, and help wick moisture out.
For your boots – socks block sweat and dead cells from getting into the boots which destruct the internal structure of the boots.

這篇文章是根據我在四月二十二日,由Appalachian Mountain Club, Delaware Valley Chapter 舉辦的Backpacking 入門講座的講稿寫成的。


保護雙腳 – 襪子具有保暖性、提供緩衝,並且協助腳上濕氣蒸散。
保護登山鞋 – 避免汗水以及死細胞組織侵入登山鞋,造成破壞。

Beginner Backpack Workshop – SocksBackpacking 入門講座 – 襪子篇 Read Post »

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