Downhill Snow Sports Protection Gear滑雪用護具

I couldn’t believe that for many sports, when I just started, I didn’t wear any protection gear. I learned to acquire helmets, kneepads, wrist guards, struck by hard experience, such as elbow bruises, skin cuts, and an ambulance ride. Protection gear gives you extra weight but the additional mental strength it boosts definitely makes the weight negligible.

For downhill snow sports, I own a helmet and a pair of kneepads. The helmet has accompanied me for several years, which I bought right after I rolled down a black diamond hill like a ball for about 30 meters. The kneepads were obtained about 2 months ago, because I started to learn telemark skiing this season, and every telemark skier kept telling me “you need those.”

I’ve done some research on kneepads, mostly by reading the discussion threads on the Telemark Talk Forum, and reviews I located on line with

A few things worth paying attention to when selecting a pair of kneepads are probably the following:

1. Protection. They have to be strong enough to protect your knees. After all, this is the basic requirement, isn’t it? So, select a pair of kneepads which do not have the reputation to crack easily.
2. Comfort. You should not feel them exist, and your motions should not be hampered by them. (This sounds like a commercial of female products, but the basic idea is the same.)
3. Stability. They have to stay in place no matter how wild your movement is. Kneepads are usually worn under snow pants, so it is not easy to adjust them during or between your ski runs. You basically want to put them on once and leave them there.
4. Low Profile. They are low-profiled so that it is easy for you to wear them under your snow pants. Even if you wear them outside of your snow pants, because they are low-profiled, it is less likely that they will tangle branches.

It is also fine to wear the kneepads you use for other sports, such as volleyball and in-line skating. However, my volleyball ones do not usually stay in place and my skating ones are too bulky, therefore I still tried to look for a new pair that is designed for snow sports. (All right, I admit that I have outdoor gear acquisition syndrome.)

I narrowed down to three models: Arc’teryx Knee Caps, Black Diamond Telekneesis, and Voile Kneepads. The first two models are widely used by many telemark skiers according to the discussion on the forum, and both had good reviews. Although some complained that early Arc’teryx models had a problem of cracking easily the current model seems reliable. I didn’t hear much about Volie, but based on the first impression, I felt that the product is no better than my volleyball or skating ones.

I after all chose the BD Telekneesis because it has a wider protection range, although I do think it is over-priced. Based on three or four times of use, I am basically a satisfied customer. The kneepads are comfortable, low-profiled and they stayed in place; however, since I haven’t done any backcountry runs, I haven’t gotten a chance to test their durability after hitting tree stems or rocks.

These kneepads do seem to have potentials to protect my knees well in the backcountry. Why do I say this? Last weekend, I tried snowboarding for the first time. Of course I rolled all over the place and did a lot of butt-slides and face plants. During those falls, my knees kissed the slopes numerous times and I didn’t feel a thing. After the snowboarding ride, I laughed at myself: I bought all this protection gear for skiing but the first time I really used it was for snowboarding.

Wearing kneepads has another advantage for snow sports: they keep your knees warm. Warmth improves circulation and your joints need it. Right now I even consider wearing them when I snowshoe especially after seeing a girl’s knee cracking on ice, but I can’t decide whether it is too over the top.

I also need to buy a new helmet. The helmet I have was an impulse buy, and now I wish I had done more research. The main complaint I have is I can’t hear anything while I am wearing the helmet, as well as it should have a little more space for me to insert a heavier balaclava. I’ve seen people wearing helmets which have some opening/holes at the ear area, and I can’t help but wonder whether that is what I want. I need to do more homework on helmets, in the meantime, if you have any suggestions, please don’t hesitate to leave me some comments!


針對滑雪運動使用的護具,個人擁有一頂安全帽和一雙護膝。那頂安全帽是在一次嘗試滑黑鑽的雪道的時候,從半山坡像球一樣的骨轆轆地滾下大約三十公尺後,立刻毫不遲疑地就買了,現在也陪了我好幾年了。該對護膝則是此季冬天才剛進的貨,由於今年冬天開始學習telemark skiing,許多先進不約而同地提醒我:「妳該買雙護膝。」所以才開始留心。

基本上,在買進那雙護膝之前,我在一個telemark skiing的討論群上,做了不少的功課,閱讀了很多討論串,再根據所得到的訊息,到google查閱更詳盡的評論。


1. 保護性:


2. 舒適性:


3. 穩固性:


4. 貼身性:



常看到常聽到的滑雪用護膝有三款,分別是:Arc’teryx Knee Caps,Black Diamond Telekneesis,和Voile Kneepads。前兩款為討論群上的滑雪者廣泛使用,同時也享有不錯的評價。只是聽說Arc’teryx早先的護膝有容易碎裂的問題,不過目前市面上販售的這一組,似乎已經克服了這個問題。我沒有看到許多關於Volie的討論,不過根據我看圖片以及規格的第一印象,該護膝似乎不會比我的排球或是直排輪護膝,有更佳的表現。

最後,我購買了Black Diamond的Telekneesis,因為它的設計感覺相當貼身,同時保護的範圍較廣。以截至目前為止,三四次的使用經驗,算是相當滿意它的表現。非常地舒適,不會找雪褲的麻煩,同時穩固性佳。可惜一直到現在還沒有機會到山林間滑雪,要不然可以測試一下這款護膝撞到樹幹或是岩石的表現。




10 thoughts on “<lang_en>Downhill Snow Sports Protection Gear</lang_en><lang_zh>滑雪用護具</lang_zh>”

  1. 你這篇講得我真是恨不相逢未嫁時啊 (抱歉我又亂用成語了…)
    膝蓋就出問題了,後來開了刀但復原情況我很不滿意 >_

  2. 我也是指穿滑雪的裝備跑去滑雪版
    而打籃球的護膝充其量只是薄薄的緩衝而已阿 ~~

  3. kathy,
    那我也來對妳這句成語了好了 … 🙂
    對啊,我開宗明義也說我很多運動一剛開始也不知道護具的重要,現在就學乖了,膝蓋要好好保養啊 ~~

    對啊,護具真是五花八門,今天在書店翻 snowboarding 的雜誌,又看到不少新東西了。昨天晚上看 Banff film festival 的影片,有一段是講 kayaking 的,也是除了基本的安全帽,還有護肘什麼之類有的沒有的,因為在一些急流泛舟,實在是到處撞來撞去的啊。身體還是要小心照顧點才好。

  4. 你真是膽大. 我是從事任何運動都要先買好護具的那種. 小時後聽過太多運動受傷. 所以都是小心又小心 🙂 今天比平常多跑1 mile 忽然覺得好有成就感 🙂

  5. Linda,

  6. 雖然我沒滑過雪

  7. Dear Little Po:

  8. 小帽,
    耐用性的確相當重要,聽說單車的安全帽只能用一次,摔過之後,就得買新的,我一直不了解為什麼是這樣哩… ??


  9. 正確的說應是安全帽摔過就該換頂新的

  10. 謝謝小帽精闢的講解,

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