Second 26.2 – Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon第二個 26.2 – Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon 紀實

shamrock marathon 2006

I enjoyed this marathon. It was like a festival which attracted almost two thousand marathon participants. We ran under the sunshine, towards the wind, with the seagulls, and along the beaches.

Most importantly, I finished it. I thought that I would have dropped out at some point, because one of my tendons or ligaments between my right hamstring and calf was over-stretched, and I had to cut down my training. But, I kept running; so many people were there running with me, I never had to feel lonely. So many spectators were lining up, waiting for me to pass them in order to give me an encouraging clap. So many volunteers were cheering me on, asking me to stay motivated. Therefore, I kept running and because I knew, at the finish line, somebody was waiting for me.

A marathon is hard and I am still a novice runner. Although I learned that pacing is extremely important for a distance race, I still ran faster in the first half than I wanted myself to. I am not a fast runner, and I hadn’t trained enough for this race. I told myself to stay at the pace of twelve minutes a mile; however, every time my ipod delivered me some song which I know how to sing, I ran faster. Every time a seagull opened its wings and glided above me, I ran faster. Every time I saw a mileage marker in the bright green St. Patrick color, I ran faster. For the first thirteen miles, I often ran between ten and eleven minutes a mile.

I felt great after finishing a half marathon, just like how I felt the first time in New York. Although my conscious mind had known that my pace was too fast, my body didn’t want to admit it until mile 15. When no more white angels kept telling me white lies, I started to feel very tired, and suddenly every condition seemed to work against me: the sun was too bright and warm, the wind was too strong, and the road was never-ending.

I had to use subtraction to keep myself motivated. “After another mile, you will only have 10 miles left.” “Once you pass the mile 20, it is just a 10K race.” “There are only four miles left. You can do it. Remember last time after you swam and biked you could still run at a pace of less than ten minutes?”

The subtraction trick kind of worked. I felt I was dying at mile 19, but I hang on for another mile just to turn the whole thing into a 10K. After that, every mileage marker was a relief. However, also after mile 20, I couldn’t manage my pace anymore. The only thing I could do was to run as fast as possible, and whatever pace I got was my pace. I couldn’t ask for more. Finishing the race was everything unless my body gave up first.

The last mile was extremely long, probably because I kept thinking “I am almost there,” therefore my mind was over excited. I kept wondering where the mile 26 marker was and where the finish line was. When I spotted them, they looked so remote, and I felt that I had to run so much harder to reach them.

I finished at 4 hours 45 minutes and 6 seconds based on the time chip. I can’t help but wonder “Oh, if I hadn’t had to go to the bathroom at mile 17, would that mean I could drop the damn extra 6 seconds?”


最重要的是,我跑完了。本來因為右腿後方,大腿和小腿接壤處附近,似乎有一條筋過份延展了,所以這幾個月來,特意減少跑步的訓練量,換成從事他種的運動。也因此,在參賽之前,一直以為大概跑到半途,我就得被迫棄權了。沒想到,我持續地跑著。也許是因為參賽的人這麼多,所以沒有一刻感到寂寞;也許是因為許多觀賽者,排成一列一列,就等著你的到來,送你一個鼓勵的high five;也許是因為許多義工,不停地搖旗吶喊著,要求你要堅持下去。所以,我就這樣一直跑著,因為,在終點線,有個人正在等著我的歸來。

馬拉松不是件容易的事,而我認真開始跑步,也不過是近兩年的事。雖然我知道,參加長距離的賽事,配速是相當重要的,卻,前半段中,我還是跑出比想維持住的還要快的速度。我跑得不是挺快,之前也沒有針對此賽事好好訓練,於是,我告訴自己,前半段需得保持12分鐘完成1英里的速度。偏偏,每次ipod傳來熟悉的樂曲,我就忍不住跑得更快起來;每次海鷗展翅滑翔過頭頂的天空的時候,就忍不住跑得更快起來;每次看到因為St. Patrick Day而裝飾成亮綠色的距離標記,就忍不住跑得更快起來。結果,在前十三英里,得到的平均配速,界於十和十一分鐘之間。






10 thoughts on “<lang_en>Second 26.2 – Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon</lang_en><lang_zh>第二個 26.2 – Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon 紀實</lang_zh>”

  1. 加油喔!
    像你這樣長距離的跑,是不能跑快的,我覺得你維持的很好阿. 雖然是不太懂,可是你保持的很平均.

    我現在三英里花大約三十分鐘跑完!只有一次多跑了一英里,之後每次看到 3 miles 的數據一到,腿就自動放慢,不想再繼續了! 幾乎這樣跑了一個月,似乎可以在加點距離,可是每次想到已經運動三十分鐘啦,就自動放棄! 怎麼突破障礙呢? 唉..好困難!

  2. 恭喜小Po!覺得妳真是強者呢!
    我在健身房踩腳踏車(這運動 跟妳的等級差太多了),也是一聽音樂就會越踩越快…

  3. 哇,想不到小Po 還是個體育健將呢!

  4. 小 po
    這樣已經太~~厲害了。換成 wakako 去跑,可能要跑 4 天 :(

    小 po A++

  5. Linda,

    可以聽音樂啊,要不然有時候時間還蠻難打發的。雖然說我平常練習,是沒有在聽音樂的。不過想到要撐個26.2 miles,還是拿著ipod上陣了。

    我從來不是體育健將啦,小時候從來沒能夠參加大隊接力,只有在一旁默默加油的份。不過馬拉松,是一個向自己挑戰的運動,而不是和別人比較,蠻合我的脾胃的。有時候,不管是登山還是騎車還是什麼的,似乎都會有這種,再撐一下就是你的的心得出現 …

    謝謝你啦,跑完就是肯定啦。而且這次的完成獎牌,因應 St Patrick’s Day 的關係,中心是一朵四葉草,被三隻海豚圍繞的圖樣喔,我非常喜歡。另外,我從一開站就有RSS啊?!不解中 …

  6. cyberhobo,
    thanks! The longest distance I hiked with my backpack probably was 20 miles. Oh, it was tough, especially I had to hike in the dark for the last couple miles.

  7. 好棒喔,站上領獎台了耶
    是我記性很好還是怎樣啊 XD

  8. 原來 kathy 也跑過幾次馬拉松啊,都不知道耶!

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