Trip Announcement: Tuscarora Trail Overnight Backpack


Fri-Sun, 4/14/2006 – 4/16/2006. Tuscarora Trail backpack. 3C17/18. Will hike on Sec3 & Sec4 of the Tuscarora Trail, southbound, from Colonel Denning State Park to Hemlock Road. The trail is remote, perfect for people who would like to look for solitude. Group size limited.

Trip Plan

Maps and Guidebooks:

The Tuscarora Trail North (Guide to Maryland and Pennsylvania)
Map J. Tuscarora Trail – Appalachian Trail in Pennsylvania to Pennsylvania Route 641
Both the map and the guidebook are published by the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club

Trail Traversed:

The Tuscarora Trail (Blue Blazed). Section 3 & Section 4. Southbound. From Colonel Denning State Park (PA 233) to Hemlock Road.

Friday night camping:

You are advised to camp at Fowlers Hollow State Park for Friday night to ensure that the group has an early start on Saturday. As a leader, I’ll handle the camp site reservations for participants. If for some reason, you can’t camp there for Friday night, please meet with the group at 6:30 am on Saturday.

The First Day (04/15/2006)


Tuscarora Trail, from Colonel Denning State Park to Laurel Run.

General description and features

We will leave PA 233 on Elk Hill Road and hike a distance of 1.3 miles to ascend to the top of Blue Mountain ridge (1690ft). We then drop a little and re-climb the ridge. This ascend is very gradual, first we gain about 550 feet elevation over a distance of 4 miles and then the trail becomes fairly level for the remaining 3.7 miles to the top. We drop about 500 feet and reach the Laurel Run and camp for the night.

At mile 1.2: a view to southwest of Cumberland Valley.
Mile 3.3 ~ 3.6: pipeline clearing with good views to south at the top of ridge and Bowers Mountain.
Mile 3.9 ~ 5.8: several views to south through trees.

Mileage and Elevation Change
Total mileage: 10.2 miles
Net elevation gain / loss: 1600+ / 650-.

Camp near Laurel Run


Water should be plentiful. There are several springs within the first mile. A small walled spring at mile 3.9, 300 yard north on Bill Miller Trail. Also at the campsite, we have Laurel Run.

The Second Day (04/16/2006)

Tuscarora Trail, from Laurel Run to Hemlock Road.

General description and features

Today we will have more ups and downs. From Laurel Run, we start to ascend steeply on trail with switchbacks towards Sherman Mountain. We gain 500 feet of elevation over 1 mile. We then walk on the flat ridge top for about 0.7 miles and start to descend steeply for 0.6 miles. After that, we climb over a small ridge and drop into a hollow. Shortly after we cross Sheaffer Run, we begin a steep ascent of Amberson Ridge, and drop steeply to the Fowlers Hollow Shelter. From there, we climb another 1.6 miles and drop to Hemlock Rock over 0.5 miles.

Mile 1.0: site of former Sherman Mountain fire tower.
Mile 2.4: a swampy pond on the left.

Mileage and Elevation Change

Total mileage: 7.2 miles
Net elevation gain / loss: 1900+ / 1900-

Stream crossings: Laurel Run (0.0), Sheaffer Run (2.9), Fowler Hollow Run (4.7).
Springs: 4.9, 5.1 (?), 5.5.

To participate:

Please send me an email. I’ll have to ask you to fill out a screening form. And after you’re approved to join this backpack, I’ll email you a complete write-up regarding meeting schedule and driving directions, etc.

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