Backpacking何處去 – 美國東岸篇(上)


回想從事登山健行運動之初,想要計畫個 backpacking trip ,還真頗有不知道從哪裡著手的感覺(嘖,只不過想去外頭睡個覺,有這麼難嗎?)以下,就我個人短暫兩年多的經驗,整理出一些心得僅供讀者參考。

一、最方便的途徑:參加 Hiking Club

說老實話,最快捷不用動用太多「做功課」的時間,就是選擇一個看順眼的 Hiking Club 來參加。通常,Hiking Club每個月都會有數個由自願者規劃的 backpacking outings 可供選擇,你只要顧慮到自己是否身體健康,體力狀況良好即可。

如果沒有足夠的登山裝備,可以考慮向附近的登山用品店(比如說是REI或者EMS)租用,或是向前輩借用等。另外,規劃行程的領隊通常也會根據參加者的所居地,提供 car pooling 的機會,給沒有車子的人許多方便。當然,乘客必須負擔油錢和過路過橋費等。

欲尋找適當的 Hiking Club ,可以到 American Hiking Society 的網站上依居住所在州搜尋。或者參加東岸最大的 Appalachian Mountain Club(AMC),其涵蓋的範圍相當廣,加入者會依其居住地被分配到所屬的 Local Chapter中。

American Hiking Society:
Appalachian Mountain Club:



想看到的是 — 野生動植物?漂亮的Vistas?瀑布?
想走的路是 — 平緩?中等?高低起伏、挑戰性高?

如果真的是太害羞內向,覺得還是螢幕後的虛擬世界比較合胃口。Hiking Trails會出現的地方不外是 National Parks、State Parks、以及National and State Forests。東岸的幾個國家公園,Acadia、Shenandoah、和Great Smoky Mountains裡都有相當多的步道可供規劃。State Park像是Adirondacks State Park等,National Forest有White Mountain National Forest,State Forests更是多的數不清,建議你從下列這兩個網站開始著手,再逐漸縮小範圍。待鎖定想要去的地方,通常依trails的名稱搜尋,都可以找到從何處購買 maps 和 trail guides。

National Park Service:
USDA Forest Service:

除上述,我在此列出幾個好去處,這些區域都有相當詳盡的地圖和手冊資料,常常我攤開地圖,就可以規劃出多個 trip plans:

※ Appalachian Trail

Appalachian Trail(AT)全長逾二千英哩,北自Maine南到Georgia,是美國境內四個特長的trail之一(American Discovery Trail、Appalachian Trail、Continental Divide Trail、Pacific Crest Trail)。


Appalachian Trail:

※ White Mountains

White Mountains跨Maine和New Hampshire兩州。氣候自成一格,一天內,氣溫變化可以從華氏八十到三十。其高低起伏,很容易走到無法找到樹木遮障己身的地方,以致於暴露在大風以及暴雨之下。因此,到White Mountains請準備充分。我夏天去仍然會準備手套、帽子以及禦寒衣物,雨衣雨褲更是不會忘記的裝備。

關於 White Mountains最詳盡的指南,該屬AMC出版的White Mountain Guide(目前最新為第27版)以及一套四張的White Mountain Maps Set。

提到White Mountains,就不能不提一提4000 Footers。就好像台灣登山者蒐集百岳一樣,New Englander蒐集4000-foot peaks,很多人以peak-bagging以為樂,並享受其成就感。詳情可見:The Four Thousand Footer Club。

The Four Thousand Footer Club:


Picture: A beaver dam in the Whites

9 thoughts on “Backpacking何處去 – 美國東岸篇(上)”

  1. 說到這我不禁想到一點,就是backpacking/ hiking 時的遊伴也非常重要。我記得有一次跟一群人出遊,結果大家體能不一,走不到多遠就有人嚷著要休息。有時候多休息反而沒辦法走更遠的路,愈休息愈累愈不想走。結果是整團人都沒走多遠就打道回府了。

  2. 這話是沒錯的,所以我們都會要求參加者填寫所謂的「Screening Form」,詢問他們一些過往的登山經驗,以及平常的運動習慣等做為參考。當然,偶爾還是會有填寫的資料誇張不實,或者是領隊誤判的情況發生。這個課題其實蠻有趣的,等我過一陣子寫一篇文章來討論。:)

  3. 藑鷸,寫這篇文章一半是因為想要整理資料,一半還真的是因為你問我「可以去哪兒?」 的緣故呢。


    不過還要一會兒我才能把這篇文章寫完,最近有點忙 …

  4. 太好了! 我對這個話題也很有興趣呢。那我就”等著瞧”囉!!

  5. 部落格版主:

    您好!我是智邦生活館的編輯。智邦生活館首頁改版新推出編輯推薦-網摘精選單元。在網路上四處為網友們精挑細選好文章。今日拜讀此篇文章,欣賞其中的筆調和觀點,將其選為 2005年12月12日艾瑪美食生活頻道的網摘 (,與網友們分享。我們推薦如果造成你的不便,煩請回信告知。如需好文貼紙,請至 謝謝您!

    敬祝 平安

    智邦生活館網摘頻道編輯 敬啟

  6. Hi little Po,

    I’m Mia, an alumna from Penn and working in Great Valley now. I’m also interested joining some hiking club coz I like going outdoor. However I have ZERO experience about hiking or backpacking, etc. Can I still join any hiking club here? I know those American guys are very strong and they may leave me behind in a group 😛


  7. Hi Mia, I replied to your email account, but in case other people feel this piece of information useful, I also leave the reply here.

    Hi Mia,

    It’s nice to get your message.

    Of course, you can participate in a hiking club and start to do some hiking and backpacking, everybody is a beginner at some point. Our club also let non-member to come along on a hike, but of course member has the priority if the trip is full.

    Since you have no experience, I suggest you to wait until spring for your first outing, since winter outing takes more experience and gear (such as winter boots, crampons and proper clothing). At the meantime, you can start to train yourself to improve your fitness level. You don’t have to work very hard, you can do whatever exercise you feel comfortable with (running, swimming) but be sure to exercise 30-45 minutes each time and at least 3 days a week. That will prepare you well.

    And in spring, you can start with day hikes first, and if you are comfortable with it, and would like to do an extended trip, you can advance to backpacking trips.

    Also it is very important to buy a good pair of hiking boots. You can borrow other gear but not boots, and a poor-fit boots will create a disaster. I am thinking to write an article about boots, if you’re interested I can send you an email when I post the article.

    If you have further questions, feel free to contact me. Good luck!

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