What If You Were a Beginner Backpacker?

Last weekend, several experienced backpackers from my club gathered together to discuss the agenda for the upcoming backpacking workshop in the spring. We fill up the one-day workshop with lecture-type sessions and hands-on practices. Lecture-type sessions cover topics which include gear introduction, map and navigation, personal hygiene, “leave no trace,” and cooking & nutrition. Hands-on sessions let participants have a chance to practice setting up a tent, lighting up a stove, treating water, and hanging a bear bag.

Our target participants are beginner backpackers, so we assume that they know nothing or little about backpacking and they’ve never taken part in any backpacking trip before. I really hope that this workshop will prepare them well so that they have a very good first impression of backpacking and will continue coming back to the trails. Therefore, I’ve put a lot of thought on how I could have done better to make my first few trips more pleasant so that they will not have to repeat my mistakes:

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Snowshoeing Weekend in the CatskillsCatskills週末的雪鞋健行

I stood on the summit of Big Indian Mountain, snowflakes shaped as feathers landing on my head, my face, and my shoulders. I opened my palms, and looked upward. Those snowflakes were not those which were tired of resting on the branches and responded to the call of the north wind. They were new, from the far most end of the sky. A storm was coming.

Last weekend I was in the Catskills, participating in a two-day snowshoeing trip. The trip has become a tradition of the AMC Delaware Valley chapter. Last winter was my first time being a member of this festival, and here I was again.

I have loved snow ever since I witnessed the first snow falling on Christmas Eve the first year I was in the States. Snow has this wonderful power of purification; snow makes the most inclement winter bearable. Oh, I can write many poems to awe this white fairy. This indulgence at times makes me overlook what is hidden underneath or behind, and I really shouldn’t.

站在Big Indian的山巔上,大片大片羽毛狀的雪花,落在我的頭上、臉上、肩上。我打開雙掌,抬頭目試,這雪花可不是呼應北風到來,從樹梢颳起的殘雪。這,是新雪,從遙遠的天際冉冉紛紛地落下,預告一場美東風雪的造臨。

上週末,又到了Catskills山區,參加這場雪鞋健行行程。這行程,是有歷史的,早已成為AMC Delaware Valley Chapter的傳統。去年冬天是我第一次參與這雪鞋健行的慶典,而今天冬天,又回到了這裡。


Snowshoeing Weekend in the CatskillsCatskills週末的雪鞋健行 Read Post »

Concepts I Learned about Telemark SkiingTelemark skiing的學習心得


I heard plenty of “flex your ankle” and “use your rear foot” during the two-day telemark workshop in Canaan Valley, West Virginia. These two tactics link to motion control and a balanced stance, both are key concepts of telemark skiing; both are difficult to get.

What are you supposed to feel so that you know you are flexing your ankles? I tried numerous times to use my ankles in every possible direction, but I was never sure whether “my shin muscles are tightened.” Those shin muscles did look different but I wish they could be as evident as six-packs; as sensitive as biceps.

Instructors taught us that if we lift one ski and try to shake it, it will move crazily if we don’t flex our ankle, and it will be quiet otherwise. However, when you are shooting downhill, there are too many things to cause you to go out of control. It’s tempting to blame on the ice or bumps because I honestly don’t know whether I’m flexing my ankles.

「以足踝施力」以及「使用你的後腳」,這兩句像是咒語般,在一月份參加個週末的telemark ski課程後,深深地烙印在我的腦海中。這兩句金玉良言,可以說是telemark ski掌握動作和維持平衡站姿的關鍵。非常的重要,也需要花好一番功夫咀嚼。



Concepts I Learned about Telemark SkiingTelemark skiing的學習心得 Read Post »

Notes on Ski Waxing雪具上蠟筆記


I spent a weekend in Canaan Valley, West Virginia taking a telemark workshop offered by North American Telemark Organization (NATO) in January. We were supposed to learn backcountry techniques, but there was no snow left in the woods. It was even pouring the first day, and our clothes were twice as heavy as they used to be after the class.

Nevertheless Dickie Hall, the founder of NATO, still taught us ski waxing. Ski waxes are marked by colors: blue, red, green, and so on. They might be soft and sticky or hard. You apply different waxes on your skis based on the snow condition.


儘管如此,創辦NATO的Dickie Hall仍然教授了為雪具上蠟的知識。基本上來說,各種不同的蠟,會以不同的顏色標示;有的蠟軟綿綿、有的蠟黏搭搭、有的蠟則是硬梆梆。而該用什麼顏色的蠟,端看當天的雪況而定。

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Trip Journal – Blackhead Range Backpack行程記錄 – Blackhead Range Backpack


There was no wind; it was sunny and warm. Saturday, had the perfect condition for hikers, but inevitably disappointed those who were looking for solitude. Our group bumped into two other groups, several local hikers, and a pretty dog. We had to alternate the camping plan because the lean-to we were supposed to stay in was packed by noon.

While you are so prepared to claim the trees, mountains, snow and ice as your sole property, nature extends it arms and smashes your hallucination. Well, haven’t we already learned the unexpectedness of nature and equipped ourselves with fitness, patience, and flexibility? After all, those qualities obtained from being outdoors are in fact our true property.



Trip Journal – Blackhead Range Backpack行程記錄 – Blackhead Range Backpack Read Post »

Planning a Trip如何策劃戶外活動

winter catskills

This weekend I am going to lead an overnight backpack in the Catskills. As always, I conducted a trip write-up for reference. While I was completing the write-up, I kept thinking maybe it would be a good idea to talk about the general trip planning process – So, here it comes. The information this article provides is specialized to a 2-5 day backpack; however, most of the principals apply to other activities too.


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Site Updates: Language Option and Forums網站更新公告:語言選項;論壇開張

There are a few updates of this site:

1. Choose Your Preferred Language.
2. Forums Installed.


1. 瀏覽語言選項
2. 論壇

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Work with Gravity與重力合作

Climbing is a beautiful sport: it looks like a painting; it reads like a poem.

If you do it right, you perform a fluent and well-balanced body movement, and you demonstrate efficiency and elegance.

Climbing attracts me because it’s not about muscle strength – it’s about combining it with your mind in order to achieve maximal performance. Also, climbing is not a lonely sport. By saying that, I am not only referring to your belaying partner, but your best friend, gravity.



攀岩最吸引我的一項特質,在於其強調的不是肌肉的強壯,而是靈活腦袋與身體健美的完美結合。同時,攀岩永遠不是一項孤獨的運動,而這指的不光只是繩伴,還有你的攀岩最佳伙伴 — 重力。

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