Help LittlePo to Climb Grand Teton – Raising Funds to Help Youth Expand Their Wilderness Experience捐款募集中—小Po將攀登Grand Teton為青少年走向戶外募款

alaska glacier

Make a donation!

I signed up to participate in “summit for someone” which makes me obliged to raise at least $3500.00 to help teenage youth expand their wilderness experience. I have never done any fund-raising events before – this is the first time – so it’s indeed a very big commitment for me, especially since $3500.00 is a large sum. I am doing this because I believe it is meaningful and because climbing mountains has always been my dream. If you approve of the mission and are willing to help, please denote money online through this link: Help Szu-Ting Summit For Someone . All denotations are tax-deductible and your kind help is greatly appreciated.

Below details my driving forces in this fundraise:

1. I can climb and climbing mountains is my dream

I’ve been working very hard to become a mountaineer. On my way of mountaineer-to-be pursuit, I have discovered that not only is it a cash-burning path, but also it requires arduous physical and mental training. It has been really hard, and countless times I wanted to settle with what I have. After all I know I am a competent backpacker, and is it really that important for me to be a mountaineer? After I came back from my NOLS Alaska mountaineering course, one of my friends asked me “why do you want to climb?” I couldn’t give him a concrete reason, but what I had experienced and felt in Alaska have shown me clearly that there is no turning back. I want to be there, and I’m working on it.

2. At-risk youth can expand their wilderness horizon

All the money I raise will go towards the non-profit organization called Big City Mountaineers. This organization provides wilderness mentoring programs to urban teens who have limited or no opportunities to access the outdoors otherwise. The organization conducts multi-day trips, such as backpacking trips or canoeing trips; the teen/adult ratio is 5:5 so that those teens can get dedicated attention.

I have witnessed how much a youngster can grow through a wilderness mentoring program. About three years ago I participated in a family backpacking trip, the leader brought his mentee along. I was impressed by the kid on his broad outdoor knowledge and I appreciated the confidence and humbleness he demonstrated while interacting with me. Three years later, I encountered the kid again doing trail work; he has matured and possesses some outdoor skills I haven’t even acquired.

It’s very rewarding to introduce wilderness to the young and teach them how to be self-sufficient in the out-of-doors. I am also involved with the AMC Chapter Youth Program. The program serves as a bridge between young people and the wilderness, telling them other than motor jammed streets, there are other wild creatures and wider space await them. Our program is not as ambitious as that of Big City Mountaineers, we lead day hikes and short camping trips, but we share similar objective.

Here is my plan:

I am a newbie in fundraising, so I haven’t figured out a concrete plan to collect the required amount of funds before my deadline. What I have right now is basically a get-fit training program, and lessons and trips I will endure in order for me to get closer to becoming a true mountaineer. I do plan to record my fundraising efforts by blogging in case my readers want to read about my workouts or outings.

I am crossing my fingers hoping for colder weather and lots of white stuff. Living in Philly, it’s very difficult to find suitable environmental settings to practice what I have learned from my mountaineering course, but what is more difficult is to find partners since nobody should climb mountains alone.

So far, on my winter calendar I have beginners’ ice climbing clinic, avalanche I course, backcountry telemark tour, and presidential range traverse, some tentative plans including a Katahdin trip (hope I can make this happen this winter), a couple of winter backpacks in the Adirondacks and the Whites. I’m also trying to squeeze more time (and money) for telemark practice and more ice climbing lessons, but first of all, I have to hope for snow and ice.

Last but not least, please help at-risk youth to get to know the outdoors and help LittlePo climb, here is where you can make it happen: Help Szu-Ting Summit For Someone.

我參加了由Backpacker Magazine主辦的「為某人攀登(Summit For Someone)」的活動,也因此背負了募集美金3500元款項的任務。這是我第一次參與類似的活動,而且要募集的款項還為數不少,實在很緊張,也頗擔心自己是否能夠圓滿達成任務。不過,這活動的確相當有意義,所募集的款項都會用作,帶領弱勢青少年,接觸戶外、認識戶外的用途,而同時,藉由這個活動,個人也得以挑戰Grand Teton,也把我向我的登山夢更推進了一步。如果你認同小Po的這項任務,願意助小Po以及弱勢的青少年們一臂之力,請經由以下連結:「協助思婷為青少年攀登」捐款。所有捐助的款項都是免稅的,也在此感謝大家的熱心。


1. 我得以攀登,而登山是我最大的夢想


2. 弱勢青年得以擴展他們的戶外視野

所募集的款項,會交給一名叫Big City Mountaineers的公益協會運用。這個協會以從事戶外活動的方式,輔導許多生長在城市中,決難有機會接觸真實自然世界的弱勢青少年。基本上,這個協會辦理的活動,都是長天數的Backpacking或者是Canoeing的行程。青少年和成人領隊的比例是五比五,如此青少年能夠取得足夠的關注。


教導青少年認識大自然,如何自在安全地在野地生活,是相當有成就感的。這也是為什麼我是AMC Chapter Youth Program的自願領隊群的一員。這個計畫建立年輕人與大自然的橋樑,帶領他們從擁擠的街頭巷道走出,見識真實世界寬廣的空間和機會,以及尊重其他的野生動植物等。雖然說我們只有帶領單天的健行活動以及短天數的露營活動,不像Big City Mountaineers那樣的大規模,不過我們可說是擁有類似的目標的。




截至目前為止,在我的冬季行事曆上,排了冰攀入門、雪崩認識與救援、Telemark野地之旅,以及White Mountain區域的Presidential Range Traverse。其他還在計畫中的有Maine的Katahdin行程(希望今年冬季能成行),以及到Whites以及Adirondacks山區的冬季Backpacking。還在看能不能再擠出更多的時間(和金錢),練習Telemark ski以及冰攀,不過,計畫歸計畫,還是先要祈禱有好的冰與雪。


5 thoughts on “<lang_en>Help LittlePo to Climb Grand Teton – Raising Funds to Help Youth Expand Their Wilderness Experience</lang_en><lang_zh>捐款募集中—小Po將攀登Grand Teton為青少年走向戶外募款</lang_zh>”

  1. Szu-Ting, a Merry Christmas to you and your household!

    And to the rest of y’all, what’s keeping you from donating to her cause? (I gave; it did not hurt).

  2. Happy New Year Szu Ting and Mr. J,

    Did you get my reply?

    I’m thinking of donating, too. But, can i write a check instead and mail it to your house?

    Thank You

  3. Pingback: Final Frontier: An Outdoor Blog » Blog Archive » Support LittlePo’s Grand Teton fund-raising climb

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