Looking at the giant K2 poster hanging on the wall in my office, I still can’t believe that I am back from the mixture of rocks, ice and snow to this pan demoniac civilization. I can’t deny that during the 28 field days, several times the thought “I want to go home†crossed my mind; however, in spite of unpleasant conditions we have encountered, living in the wilderness is easier – it is simple and it is intuitive. Now, I want to go back.
Old friends and family members are shocked that I have become an outdooraholic. Before I came to the States, I had never backpacked, neither had I exercised regularly. I didn’t do any sports, and I couldn’t run 3 miles. But I have always admired mountains, I touch and talk to flowers, and I love adventures.
I moved to the States for graduate study at age 23 in 1998, but not until 5 years later did I do my first backpacking trip, and it was miserable. In the same year, I also discovered a shocking truth that my little fantasy of being satisfied not dreaming about climbing the highest peak but the second highest peak is so naïve. K2 is way more unreachable than Everest, but at least – I thought – I could work on getting closer, and K2 is a more cadent slogan to encourage myself to carry on when I feel out-of-breath during an endurance workout.
I thought that was my main reason to climb, but after this trip, I realized that the reason to climb is in fact more simple. This course is the longest length I’ve been living in the wilderness so that I had abundant field days to collect and concrete the wonders floating in my mind. Why am I here? What did I get myself into? Where will I be? I’ll be among mountains and wild things because that makes me feel good, oh, I should have said “that makes me feel REALLY good.â€
Living in the wilderness and climbing mountains requires physical strength and mental training and that is why I took this course. I still have much to learn but this course certainly opened up the window for me. I hope people find my experience interesting and if you want to climb, don’t just think about it.
Without the support from Jeremy, my husband, I would never imagine that one day I could set my foot on any peak in Alaska. His impregnable belief in me makes me believe in myself and gives me indispensable strengths for wilderness living.
看著掛在工作室的巨幅K2æµ·å ±ï¼Œé‚„æ˜¯ä¸æ•¢ç›¸ä¿¡ï¼Œæˆ‘已經從混åˆè‘—岩石ã€å …冰ã€ä»¥åŠç™½é›ªçš„冰河,回到喧囂的文明世界。ä¸å¯å¦èªçš„是,在野外生活的這28天,好幾次動了「想è¦å›žå®¶ã€çš„念é 。一路上是經æ·äº†è¨±å¤šè‰±è¾›ï¼Œçµè«–終究是:野外生活還是比文明生活容易許多—它簡單,而且質樸。
1998年,我23æ²ï¼Œä¾†åˆ°ç¾Žåœ‹è®€ç ”究所,å»é²é²ç‰åˆ°äº”年後,æ‰æœ‰ç¬¬ä¸€æ¬¡çš„backpacking經驗,而那經驗,難以忘懷å»æ˜¯æ…˜ä¸å¯è¨€ã€‚åŒä¸€å¹´ï¼Œä¹Ÿæ‰ç™¼ç¾ä¸€å€‹æ®˜é…·çš„事實,我本著æ±æ–¹äººè¬™æ的本性,想著就算作夢也åªéœ€è¦å¤¢æƒ³ã€Œç¬¬äºŒã€é«˜å±±å³å¯ï¼Œã€Œæœ€é«˜ã€çš„山就留給別人爬å§ã€‚這個夢想就算åªæ˜¯ç™½æ—¥å¤¢ï¼Œä¹ŸçœŸæ˜¯å¤ªå¤ªå¤ªå¤©çœŸäº†ï¼ŒK2é 比Everest困難ã€é™ä¸å¯åŠã€‚唉,ä¸éŽï¼Œè‡³å°‘我å¯ä»¥åŠªåŠ›åœ°ç¸®çŸæˆ‘倆之間的è·é›¢ï¼Œæˆ‘這樣想著,更何æ³ï¼Œåœ¨è·‘æ¥æ™‚上氣ä¸æŽ¥ä¸‹æ°£çš„時候,鼓勵自己æ’下去,喊著「K2ã€K2ã€ä¹Ÿæ¯”「Everestã€Everestã€ä¾†å¾—更有節å¥æ„Ÿï¼Œæ›´å®¹æ˜“振奮人心。
一直以為那就是我爬山的主è¦é©…動力,從這次的課程返家後,æ‰ç™¼ç¾äº‹æƒ…é 比我以為的還è¦å–®ç´”。這次是我在野外生活最長的一次,所以我有相當充分的時間去感å—ã€åŽ»æ€ç´¢ã€åŽ»æ•´ç†è…¦è¢‹è£¡æµ®æ¸¸çš„紛亂æ€ç·’。我為什麼在這裡?我把自己帶到什麼環境來?以後åˆè¦åˆ°å“ªè£¡åŽ»ï¼Ÿæˆ‘知é“我喜愛æ¥å‘å±±æž—ï¼Œåœ¨ç¾¤å±±ç¶ æ°´ç’°ç¹žä¹‹ä¸‹ç”Ÿæ´»ï¼Œå› ç‚ºé‚£æ„Ÿè¦ºç¾Žå¦™ï¼Œå–”ï¼Œæˆ‘è©²èªªï¼Œå¦™ä¸å¯è¨€ã€‚
在野外生活以åŠæ”€ç™»é«˜å±±éœ€è¦è‰¯å¥½çš„é«”é„,以åŠå¥åº·çš„心ç†ï¼Œé€™ä¹Ÿæ˜¯æˆ‘åƒèˆ‡æ¤èª²ç¨‹çš„ç†ç”±ã€‚還有很多æ±è¥¿æ˜¯æˆ‘需è¦å¸ç¿’的,ä¸éŽé€™å€‹èª²ç¨‹ç‚ºæˆ‘打開了第一é“門窗。在這裡我把我的å¸ç¿’ç¶“é©—åˆ†äº«çµ¦å¤§å®¶ï¼Œä¹Ÿé¼“å‹µå¤§å®¶ï¼Œå¦‚æžœä½ æƒ³è¦çˆ¬å±±ï¼Œå°±åŽ»å§ï¼Œåˆ¥åƒæˆ‘一樣ç‰äº†é‚£éº¼ä¹…。
如果沒有我è€å…¬Jeremy,我大概沒辦法想åƒæœ‰ä¸€å¤©æˆ‘å¯ä»¥ç™»ä¸Šé˜¿æ‹‰æ–¯åŠ 的任何一座山é 。他å°æˆ‘å …å®šä¸ç§»çš„信心,是我相信自己真有能力登山的最大ç†ç”±ï¼Œä¹Ÿæ˜¯è³¦äºˆæˆ‘在野外生活必è¦çš„韌性的泉æºã€‚
終於開始第一篇了,期待期待… 🙂
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å› ç‚ºæˆ‘å¾ˆæ€•å†·
This is a very honest and sweet preface. I think Jeremy also went through certain kind of “mental training” too in order not to too worry about you and just support and believe in you. That’s quite nice.
æ„Ÿè¬å¤§å®¶çš„æ§å ´å•Šï¼Œæˆ‘也è¦å¥½å¥½ç£ä¿ƒè‡ªå·±åŠªåŠ›åœ°æŠŠå®ƒå¯«å®Œï¼Œä¸‰å天å¯çœŸæ˜¯å¤šå•Š
K2, 真是é 大的目標~
ç¾¨æ…•ä½ çš„
是啊,這個目標是太é 大了些,有å¯èƒ½é€™è¼©å都到ä¸äº†ï¼Œæˆ‘比較將之當作激勵自己的座å³éŠ˜å°±æ˜¯äº†ã€‚
ä¸éŽçœ‹èµ·ä¾†kathy也很幸ç¦ï¼Œè‡ªå¾·[å¾—]其樂喔 🙂 æ喜新書出版啊 ~~
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