Work with Gravity與重力合作

Climbing is a beautiful sport: it looks like a painting; it reads like a poem.

If you do it right, you perform a fluent and well-balanced body movement, and you demonstrate efficiency and elegance.

Climbing attracts me because it’s not about muscle strength – it’s about combining it with your mind in order to achieve maximal performance. Also, climbing is not a lonely sport. By saying that, I am not only referring to your belaying partner, but your best friend, gravity.

When I was reviewing the lecture notes from my 4-session climbing classes, the principal “Work with gravity, not against it” jumped into my eyes and soon caught all my attention. Isn’t gravity our nemesis since we are constantly bringing our body weight into the sky?

Let me try to use two common mistakes of a beginner to elaborate the point. As a beginner, I use my arms too much. I know this because my arms give up way too early when I climb. Another mistake my instructor usually yelled at me for is standing on my toes too much. Instead I should drop my heels when I climb.

I have addressed the arm problem in the article “Rational Brain; Rebellious Body.” Basically, if you straighten your arms and let gravity do its work, it will put more weight on the legs, which are stronger body parts than the arms. And when the handhold is a round rock and hard to grab: with the palm flat on the rock, gravity will give you better traction.

Standing on the toes put too much stress on the calves. My instructor asks us to put our toes into the wall, which makes our body position natural for weight shifting. Also she reminds us to use the ball area to make contact with the rock, and by doing that, you can put your toe area on the wall, which gives you better traction.

You might say that the above examples only told you not to work against gravity: We put emphasis on how to position our body and increase the contact surface area in order to have more traction. But in fact we are working with gravity too: by dropping the heels instead of standing on the toes, we changed the direction of the force and the force comes from gravity. Combining the right direction of force and bigger contact area, we have better traction to keep our body stable and balanced.

Now you can see the equation for working with gravity: correct body position + gravity = maximal traction. The climbing technique that explains this formula the best is: Smear.

When we climb, the best situation is that both our hands and feet can hold on to something. This, of course, is not always the case. The purpose of Smear is to put one foot on the wall in order to bring the other foot onto a higher foothold. It’s better to smear high so that your upper body and your smear leg are almost perpendicular. This right angle will drive your weight into the wall in the way which generates the most traction.

Working with gravity is the beauty of climbing and this also reminds me about working with current while white water kayaking. When we maneuver our kayaks to perform eddy turns or peel outs, if we drive our boat to cross the eddy line with a correct angle and we lean our bodies so that the river water always hits the bottom of our boats, we don’t have to paddle hard because the current will take us to where we want go.

Working with gravity and working with current – is it a coincidence? I am afraid not and it seems that working with nature is always the key. I wonder why human beings like to say “conquer” nature. If we can be friends, why should we be enemies?



攀岩最吸引我的一項特質,在於其強調的不是肌肉的強壯,而是靈活腦袋與身體健美的完美結合。同時,攀岩永遠不是一項孤獨的運動,而這指的不光只是繩伴,還有你的攀岩最佳伙伴 — 重力。








和重力合作恐怕是攀岩運動最巧妙的地方。這提醒了我,在上激流泛舟課程的時候,教練每每提醒我們,要與水流合作。當操控獨木舟,做出eddy turn或是peel out的動作的時候,如果以正確的角度行駛獨木舟越過eddy line,同時傾斜船身,讓流水總是拍打船底,那麼,不用怎麼用力划船,水流就會帶領獨木舟到我們想去的地方。


6 thoughts on “<lang_en>Work with Gravity</lang_en><lang_zh>與重力合作</lang_zh>”

  1. 這篇文章讓我想起記起了九陽真經中的幾句話:「他強

  2. 關於重力,看起來似乎與騎單車爬坡有異曲同工之妙呢!





  3. 小帽,

  4. 首先呢,我覺得「與重力合作」這樣的話、這樣的觀念,應該只存在一個運動專家的腦袋裡;我的腦袋從來沒長出這樣的智慧來,難怪不善於運動。


  5. wakako,
    謝謝你喜歡我的結論 🙂

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