Beginner Backpack Workshop – BootsBackpacking 入門講座 – 登山鞋篇

This article is based on what I presented in the Beginner Backpack Workshop held by Appalachian Mountain Club, Delaware Valley Chapter, April 22, 2006.

Boots are important. A good pair of boots helps you carry on through various terrains and conditions. Incompatible boots tire your feet and legs more easily, and they are more likely to cause blisters which turn your trip miserable.

I like to say that finding a good pair of boots is like finding your life partner. It might sound overly dramatic, but if you’ve ever traveled with someone you hate, you would know that I am not exaggerating.

Boots are something you shouldn’t buy on-line or through mail order. You need to try them on and fit them perfectly. It’s too risky to buy them without a test drive. A size chart is for reference ONLY. Vendor A’s size 8 might not be the same as Vendor B’s size 8. Especially nowadays, manufactures outsource their production, so even Vendor A’s size 8 sometimes might not match Vendor A’s size 8 made in another country.

這篇文章是根據我在四月二十二日,由Appalachian Mountain Club, Delaware Valley Chapter 舉辦的Backpacking 入門講座的講稿寫成的。




Beginner Backpack Workshop – BootsBackpacking 入門講座 – 登山鞋篇 Read Post »

Trip Journal – Tuscarora Trail Backpack行程記錄 – 週末的Tuscarora Trail Backpack

tuscarora trail backpack

Rocky and wobbly is the agreed footnote the group gave to the Tuscarora Trail after the two-day backpack. No matter when we were climbing, or descending, we had to pay close attention to our footing. Rocks were very deceiving; they looked like stable footrests, yet they were in fact ready-to-take-off roller coasters.

Even once the trail leveled out, don’t think you can glide through. Piles of withered leaves on top of the rocks were their best cover. They were prepared for their ambush, we had to step well as if we were passing a mine field.



Trip Journal – Tuscarora Trail Backpack行程記錄 – 週末的Tuscarora Trail Backpack Read Post »

Get Ready to Play – Eskimo Roll Revisited準備好要去玩船囉 – 再談 Eskimo Roll

Last Tuesday I was very happy because I managed to do my off-side roll many times. Even though I still had to set up before my body entered the water to ensure a successful roll, it was an accomplishment to me. Especially when I recalled the first few attempts, during which I was totally disoriented and all the muscles were locked up, how couldn’t I be proud? Oh, please allow me to self indulge for a moment.

After practicing Eskimo rolls for many sessions, I could see my improvement. My rolls are still far from being perfect, but every time I practice a roll, I think beforehand, analyze afterwards before I give it another try. From this process I have gathered some ideas (or tips); they helped me to make my rolls smoother, and maybe they will be useful to you as well.


今冬以來,練習Eskimo roll也有好一陣子了,欣喜的是,有一點一滴地在進步中。雖然我的Eskimo roll無疑地還有很大的進步空間,不過每次練習,我都會在事前思考、事後分析一番,才進入到下一次的嘗試,這樣的歷程讓我累積不少想法(或說訣竅),也將我的Eskimo roll琢磨地愈加順暢。也許,這些心得會對其他人也有所助益:

Get Ready to Play – Eskimo Roll Revisited準備好要去玩船囉 – 再談 Eskimo Roll Read Post »

Governor Stable Bouldering CompetitionGovernor Stable 抱石競賽


Oh, I was just a spectator, not a competitor, because I didn’t have the guts to boulder.

Since I started to climb last June, I’ve always thought that I would only be a top-roper or maybe would dream about being a lead climber. Bouldering? That’s a bit scary; what if I fall? Based on what I learned from my wilderness first aid class, a person doesn’t have to fall from a significant height to have a significant injury. So, bouldering? How can it NOT be scary?

But something inside me changed after observing the Governor Stable Bouldering Competition. During my 6-hour long observation, numerous times I told myself, “I wish I could climb.”


自從去年六月開始室內攀登,總是堅定不移地以為,攀登時一定要使用繩索才安心。很認份地和我的繩伴互相確保,攀登的型態總是top-roping,偶爾也想著要趕快鍛鍊自己,以進階到lead climbing的程度。抱石?看起來有些危險。要是不小心失足,該怎麼辦?野外急救的課程訓練告訴我,一個人不需要從太高處落下,就可以造成嚴重的傷害。所以,抱石這樣運動,怎不讓人心生畏懼?

但是,上週六以一個觀賽者的身份,看了長達六小時的Governor Stable抱石競賽。心裡有點蠢蠢欲動,認份的感覺開始動搖。在觀賽的過程中,心裡的那個聲音,不知道說了幾次「我也想爬爬看!」

Governor Stable Bouldering CompetitionGovernor Stable 抱石競賽 Read Post »

Second 26.2 – Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon第二個 26.2 – Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon 紀實

shamrock marathon 2006

I enjoyed this marathon. It was like a festival which attracted almost two thousand marathon participants. We ran under the sunshine, towards the wind, with the seagulls, and along the beaches.

Most importantly, I finished it. I thought that I would have dropped out at some point, because one of my tendons or ligaments between my right hamstring and calf was over-stretched, and I had to cut down my training. But, I kept running; so many people were there running with me, I never had to feel lonely. So many spectators were lining up, waiting for me to pass them in order to give me an encouraging clap. So many volunteers were cheering me on, asking me to stay motivated. Therefore, I kept running and because I knew, at the finish line, somebody was waiting for me.


最重要的是,我跑完了。本來因為右腿後方,大腿和小腿接壤處附近,似乎有一條筋過份延展了,所以這幾個月來,特意減少跑步的訓練量,換成從事他種的運動。也因此,在參賽之前,一直以為大概跑到半途,我就得被迫棄權了。沒想到,我持續地跑著。也許是因為參賽的人這麼多,所以沒有一刻感到寂寞;也許是因為許多觀賽者,排成一列一列,就等著你的到來,送你一個鼓勵的high five;也許是因為許多義工,不停地搖旗吶喊著,要求你要堅持下去。所以,我就這樣一直跑著,因為,在終點線,有個人正在等著我的歸來。

Second 26.2 – Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon第二個 26.2 – Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon 紀實 Read Post »

An Eskimo Roll Well-Begun Is Half Done好的開始是成功的一半 – 談 Eskimo Roll

A good start is important, especially for an Eskimo roll. A good setup position will lead the remaining steps naturally, and before you know it, your head has already popped out of the water surface.

Different instructors have taught me the concepts of an Eskimo roll and each of them emphasized the importance of the setup position. In real situations, when you need to roll up your boat, the river will not be as smooth as the water in a swimming pool. The more challenging situation you are experiencing, the calmer you have to be. The setup position is the first step of an Eskimo roll and it’s the only phase you can stay there for as long as you want. It really helps you to sink your disturbing thoughts and relax your body. Remember, you only need about four seconds to finish a roll, and I believe if you are into kayaking, you can hold your breath for at least a minute. You have plenty of time, so don’t panic!

凡事重於始,尤其若想成功地做到 kayaking 的 Eskimo roll。假設一開始的準備動作有做好,之後的步驟就會很自然地接踵而來。在還不知道發生什麼事情之前,小船就翻轉180度,回來了。

我聽過好幾個不同的教練談論 Eskimo roll 的概念,個個都強調準備動作的重要。真實的情況下,需要使用 Eskimo roll 的時機,水流可不會像游泳池面那般平靜。經歷越是湍急的水流,越是需要鎮定,而 Eskimo roll 的準備動作可以幫助你安定心情,沈澱不該有的雜慮,以及放鬆緊張的肌肉。因為,該準備動作是在所有步驟當中,唯一一個可以讓你慢慢來,並且可以要維持多久就有多久的狀態。記住,你只需要大約四秒鐘就可以把船翻回來,而我相信,如果你喜歡 kayaking,你恐怕至少可以憋個一分鐘的氣沒有問題。所以,時間充裕的很,千萬不要緊張。

An Eskimo Roll Well-Begun Is Half Done好的開始是成功的一半 – 談 Eskimo Roll Read Post »

Downhill Snow Sports Protection Gear滑雪用護具

I couldn’t believe that for many sports, when I just started, I didn’t wear any protection gear. I learned to acquire helmets, kneepads, wrist guards, struck by hard experience, such as elbow bruises, skin cuts, and an ambulance ride. Protection gear gives you extra weight but the additional mental strength it boosts definitely makes the weight negligible.

For downhill snow sports, I own a helmet and a pair of kneepads. The helmet has accompanied me for several years, which I bought right after I rolled down a black diamond hill like a ball for about 30 meters. The kneepads were obtained about 2 months ago, because I started to learn telemark skiing this season, and every telemark skier kept telling me “you need those.”

I’ve done some research on kneepads, mostly by reading the discussion threads on the Telemark Talk Forum, and reviews I located on line with


針對滑雪運動使用的護具,個人擁有一頂安全帽和一雙護膝。那頂安全帽是在一次嘗試滑黑鑽的雪道的時候,從半山坡像球一樣的骨轆轆地滾下大約三十公尺後,立刻毫不遲疑地就買了,現在也陪了我好幾年了。該對護膝則是此季冬天才剛進的貨,由於今年冬天開始學習telemark skiing,許多先進不約而同地提醒我:「妳該買雙護膝。」所以才開始留心。

基本上,在買進那雙護膝之前,我在一個telemark skiing的討論群上,做了不少的功課,閱讀了很多討論串,再根據所得到的訊息,到google查閱更詳盡的評論。

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